The company
This service is offered by (CVR: 26451302).
When you shop with us, all transactions are covered by Danish law. Therefore, all discrepancies of the ordinary Danish courts are decided.
Access to can only be used after a member registration. Everyone can join This service is free for you as a user during a trial period. You are required to keep your personal data updated. When registering, you choose a member name and password (access data).
You are required to protect access to your calendar against the unauthorized use of it by third parties. Access data must be kept secret. If your data is caused by negligence on your part, third parties will be responsible for each time third parties use your access data. If you find that your access data has been made available to an unauthorized third party, it is advisable to change your password. If this is not possible, please contact per. email.
As a user, you are required to provide the opportunity to contact you so that you can receive the required information about the subscribed services and subsequent expansion of the site if more offers are available. This commitment is accepted when you sign up by registering your email address.
Content can not be held responsible or liable for user content, third-party content, or other third-party applications brought to the site, whether provided by the site's users, calendar, third parties, or any kind of equipment or programming applied to the site .
Despite the fact that we set rules for user behavior, we do not control it and are not responsible for users' traffic and calendar sharing on the site and can not be held liable for any offensive, inappropriate, indecent, illegal or otherwise unpleasant content that may be present on the page.
Your data is private and the content of this calendar service will only be used in accordance with the laws. is not liable for any. loss caused by interrupting access to your data or losing your data.
The functionality of is optimized for the latest versions of: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Crome and Safari
Used in other or older browsers, on other platforms, smartphones, tablets or other, there may be a change or lack of functionality.
In connection with purchase
Payment receives payment with Dankort / VISA-Dankort, VISA, Mastercard and JCB. Payment will only be charged to your account when the item is shipped. uses an approved payment server that encrypts all your card details with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. This means that you cannot read your information.
The product is delivered as soon as the payment is completed. You must be logged in with a user at in order to complete the payment. This user's time access to is extended by the number of days that the purchased product prescribes.
If you regret your purchase (withdrawal right)
The customer accepts when ordering customized services, such as personal online calendar that the right of cancellation lapses, see section 12 of the Consumer Agreement Act.
What do we do with your personal information (personal data policy)
In order for you to enter into an agreement with us at, we need the following information: Name, Address and Email Address.
We make the registration of your personal information for the purpose of delivering the item to you.
The personal data are registered at and stored for five years after the use of the calendar is stopped, after which the information is deleted.
The data manager at is Jacob Bøegh.
We store and transmit no customer information encrypted.
Information provided to is not disclosed or sold to third parties in any way, and we do not detect any personally sensitive information.
As registered with you are always entitled to object to the registration. You also have the right to understand what information is registered about you. You have these rights in accordance with the Personal Data Act and please contact Jacob Bøegh by e-mail
Support only supports email.
All communication will take place either in English or Danish. No support is provided in other languages.
On cookies are used to optimize the site and its functionality, thus making the visit as easy as possible for you.
You can delete cookies from your computer at any time. How depends on your browser.
We use log statistics on which means that a statistics system collects information that can provide a statistic of how many visitors we have, where they come from and where on the site it is left, etc.
The log statistics are only used for the purpose of optimizing
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